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暑运过半 全国铁路发送旅客4.06亿人次
The nation's railways recorded 406 million passenger trips from July 1 to 31, according to data revealed on Tuesday by China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., the country's railway operator.
During this period, daily passenger trips averaged 13.1 million, while 10,169 trains were operating daily, up 14.2 percent compared to the same period in 2019, according to the company.
In order to better serve passengers during the summer travel rush, the company said that its various bureaus have optimized operation plans based on big data, while train stations in the nation's big cities, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Changsha have increased staff in posts like security checking to expedite passengers' entry process and improve efficiency.
The summer travel rush is usually a busy season for the country's railway system as college students return home for summer vacation, while family visits and tourist travels also rise during this season. This year's summer travel rush will last for 62 days and end on Aug. 31.
交通强国 a country with great transport strength
现代物流 modern logistics
跨海高铁 sea-crossing high-speed railway
国际旅客列车 cross-border passenger train
短途旅行 short-distance travel
(来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
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